My Practice
Nowadays, due to digitalisation and globalisation, the pace of our lives has sped up dramatically. This makes it all the more essential for us to create spaces for ourselves in which we can slow down, take a breath, and simply ‘be.’ We need to learn how to turn our gaze inward carefully and thoughtfully, so that we can recognise the habits, patterns of thought and behaviours that form who we are, and who we want to be.
But how?
Yoga is a way. With a lot of fun and humour, with both discipline and ease, it is a path which is well worth going down to find the balance and stability that is often lacking from our hectic lives. Through yoga, we can learn to find focus, awareness and loving self acceptance. And it doesn’t just stay on the mat: we can transport the valuable lessons we learn from our practice into our everyday lives.
What is my yoga style like?
I teach vinyasa flow based on the Spirit Yoga formula, which draws inspiration from the four elements, but with my own personal twist.
My practice is based on the use of coordinated movements to bring the body and mind into harmony through the breath.
We move through each of the elements, finding meaning in the movements and the metaphor that we can apply not only to our sequences, but to our everyday lives long after the session is over.
Earth: A precisely structured sequence to build strength and stability. Once you are securely grounded, you will find the support you need in order to grow.
Air: A calm and yet powerful breathing pattern that brings you more closely in contact with life. Through the breath, you will be able to move and stretch through the challenging sequences with ease, and you will find that you are able to connect more deeply with your own being.
Water: An activating flow sequence to promote creativity and life energy, to dissolve inner resistance and to find inner harmony.
Fire: An intense sequence which activates the fire in the heart and promotes mental willpower. With strength and stretching exercises, we will kindle your inner fire, and an energetic transformation will begin.
What will you learn from me?
My yoga is your yoga. Together, we will discuss what you want to learn, and I will accompany you along your journey with support and with love. The focus of my classes is on the core of the body. If your core is strong, you will be able to find more stability in all areas of your life. Once we strengthen and solidify your inner core, I will begin to bring more challenges into play to keep you engaged so that your practice is ever evolving.
My classes will grab you, shake your very foundations and challenge you to step into the unknown. But not without support: it is important to me to bring structure and serenity in harmony so that you can embark on your personal yoga adventure with confidence, and with the knowledge that I am right here beside you on your journey.
What I want you to get from me:
- More patience
- More understanding of your own identity
- Better and more mindful awareness of your body
- More power and strength for everyday life